Best Cloud Storage Options 2019

Keeping your important files and photos in the cloud is a great way to store all of your data. It allows you to store your data off-site and in another location. One of the great things about cloud storage is that it doesn’t take up any physical memory space on your local device. If for example your laptop only has 256GB of space, you can use cloud storage to store all of your work and photos and only use the device’s internal storage for core applications. In this blog post we take a look at some of the best options and providers for when it comes to cloud storage and what we personally recommend. The services we have narrowed down include a free-tier which allows you to try the service and upload to a certain storage limit e.g. Google Drive offers up to 15gb of free storage.


Apple’s own iCloud storage solution is a great service for storing your photos and files across all of your Apple devices. iCloud is integrated well across all of Apple’s devices allowing for photos to automatically sync. It allows for all of your photos that are taken on your iPhone to automatically sync to your iPad and Mac without having to manually copy them over one for one. iCloud gives every Apple account 5GB of free storage with the tiers moving up to 50GB for £0.79, 200GB for £2.49 and 2TB for £6.99. The pricing is competitive and is cheaper when compared to other services such as the likes of Dropbox.

Google Drive

Every Google account comes standard with 15gb of storage for free. This quota covers all of your emails stored within Gmail, Google Photos (Full Resolution) and Google Drive. Drive’s interface is very straightforward and easy to master and looks like any other regular file browser. There is a desktop application available for download and allows the option to automatically backup your computer or just specific folders.

Google also offers their Google Photos service which offers unlimited free photo storage if you opt for the ‘High Quality’ option instead of uploading the photos at their full resolution. Images are slightly compressed to reduce quality and storage space on Google’s end although it is hard to tell the difference in terms of quality from the full resolution image.

Google offers competitive pricing for it’s Drive suite. For those that require more than 15GB of storage the next tier of storage is 100GB. This costs only £1.59/month and gives you access to Google Support and other added extra members. As the pricing goes up on each tier so does the storage capacity received. 200GB is £2.49/month and the following tier jumps to 2TB for £7.99/month. All of these plans can be paid annually to save 16% off the cost.

Overall we believe Google Drive is the best storage solution for individuals. Drive offers great pricing across all tiers whether you require a moderate or significant amount of storage.

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