IT Acronyms you need to know when working with an MSP

Trying to talk about IT issues can already get confusing enough, it doesn’t help much when there are a bunch of terms and acronyms being thrown around that you don’t understand.

As an IT provider, we always ensure that our engineers use language that makes sense to clients, but you can use this blog as a cheat sheet for any terms you might want to know.

Of course, there are many more you may come across, but here are some of the most common IT acronyms you’ll see when working with an MSP.


Managed Service Provider- An MSP provides services like network, application, infrastructure, and security through ongoing remote support and active administration on the client’s premises. Acting as a helping hand to an existing IT department, or an outsourced replacement.


Service Level Agreement- An SLA describes the level of service expected by a client from a supplier, laying out the metrics by which that service is measured, and the remedies or penalties, if the agreed service levels aren’t met.


Remote Monitoring and Management- RMM is the process of supervising and controlling IT systems, using locally installed agents that can be accessed by an MSP. It will be used to troubleshoot and resolve issues on a client’s device without being there physically.


Professional Services Automation- PSA is software designed to assist workers with project management and resource management for client projects, as well as providing utilisation rate management for billable staff.


Network Operations Center- A NOC is a centralised place where IT administrators supervise, monitor, and maintain a computer or telecommunications network. The NOC is comparable to a nervous system, managing and optimising business-critical tasks.


Security Operations Center- The SOC is responsible for protecting an organisation against cyber attacks. Typically providing 24/7 monitoring of an organisation’s network and investigating any potential security incidents.


Security Information and Event Management- SIEM is a field of cyber security, where software products and services combine security information management and security event management. They provide real-time analysis of security alerts generated by applications and network hardware.


Unified Threat Management- UTM is a form of information security where a single hardware or software installation provides a range of security functions. This differs from the traditional method of having point solutions for each security function.


Antivirus- AV software is a computer program that’s used to prevent, detect, and remove malware and viruses. Once installed, most antivirus software runs automatically in the background for constant protection against cyber attacks.


Data Loss Prevention- DLP is a set of tools and processes used to ensure that sensitive data is not lost, misused, or accessed by unauthorised users. It detects potential data breaches and prevents them by monitoring, detecting, and blocking sensitive data while in use, in motion, and at rest.


Backup and Disaster Recovery- BDR is a virtual server where you keep a copy of your main server, with all of your essential data so if you have a hardware failure, you are fully backed up and ready to restore operations.


Mobile Device Management- MDM is the administration of mobile devices, such as smartphones, tablet computers, and laptops. It combines device applications, built-in device management features, and infrastructure services.


Software as a Service- SaaS is a cloud-based method of providing software to users. SaaS users subscribe to an application rather than purchasing it once and installing it, they can log into and use the application from any compatible device over the Internet.


Platform as a Service- PaaS is a cloud computing model where a third-party provider delivers hardware and software tools to users over the internet. Usually, these tools are needed for application development.


Infrastructure as a Service- IaaS hosts infrastructure on the public and private cloud, instead of in a traditional on-premises data center. The infrastructure is delivered to customers on demand while being fully managed by the service provider.


Voice over Internet Protocol- VoIP is a technology allowing you to make voice calls using an internet connection instead of a phone line. It allows users to make voice calls from a computer, smartphone, other mobile devices, special VoIP phones and WebRTC-enabled browsers.


Multiprotocol Label Switching- MPLS is a routing technique in telecommunications networks that directs data from one node to the next based on labels rather than network addresses. It increases speed and controls the flow of network traffic.


Virtual Local Area Network- VLAN is a custom network that is created from one or more local area networks. It enables a group of devices available in multiple networks to be combined into one logical network.


Quality of Service- QoS is the use of mechanisms or technologies on a network to control traffic and ensure the performance of critical applications. It enables organisations to adjust their overall network traffic by prioritising specific high-performance applications.

Do you hear any of these terms often?

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