Small Businesses and Cybersecurity

No matter the size of your business, it is crucial to invest in cybersecurity protection to keep all of your data and assets protected from potential cyber-attacks.

The concern shouldn’t only be for the safety of your business’s data, but you must also ensure that your clients and customers’ information is kept secure.

However, we understand that some small businesses may have budget constraints that might hold them back from hiring professional cybersecurity providers; if this is an issue for you, you need to know how to take cybersecurity into your own hands.

We will always suggest working with a cybersecurity provider (MSP), but there are some in-house methods you should implement to protect your small business from cyber-attacks.

Train Your Employees in Basic Security Principles 

One of the best, and most straightforward precautions to take is to train your staff in basic security practices.

There should be policies in place and followed, including the creation of strong passwords, password management, appropriate internet usage, and proper handling of customer information.

If your employees violate company cybersecurity policies, it is essential to bring them up on it and discuss the importance of following the policy for maximum safety.

Keep All Company Devices Clean

A majority of cybersecurity breaches happen when devices and software aren’t properly maintained.

The best way to avoid these attacks is by ensuring that your devices have the latest software in web browsers, operating systems, and anti-virus software.

If you want to prevent the possibility of malware and other online threats, these are your best solutions; especially if you are not receiving services from a professional cybersecurity provider.

Secure Wi-Fi Networks 

Another efficient way to keep your data secure from any possible online threats is by ensuring that your Wi-Fi network is secure.

The security of your Wi-Fi involves more than just setting up a password; you have to make sure that your connection is secure, encrypted, and hidden.

Hiding your Wi-Fi network will require you to set up your wireless access point, or router, in a way that does not broadcast a network name (SSID).

The router should also be protected by a password.

Limit Employee Access to Data and Limit Authority to Install Software 

Your employees will need access to some data, but only the data relevant to their roles and responsibilities.

Staff should also need permission, such as implementing an admin password block, before installing any software to their devices.

This is not to limit what they can download, but rather to avoid the chances of them accidentally downloading malicious software onto work devices, as it could compromise them, the business, and clients/customers.

Set Up a Firewall 

Firewalls are programs that prevent outside parties from accessing data on a private network.

It’s key for your business to install or enable an operating system’s firewall, as well as make sure that any employees working remotely have a firewall enabled on their devices.

Working with a cybersecurity provider is ultimately the best way to ensure the safety and security of your company and clients.

That being said, we understand that you may need alternative methods if you are just starting up. If you need any help with implementing cybersecurity measures within your business, give us a call.

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