Windows 11 multiple desktops

“Multiple desktops has been around for a while, but it always felt like it just wasn’t quite there yet. However, with the latest release in Windows 11, it now feels a lot slicker.”

The ability to use multiple desktops in Windows has been around for some time now, but it is much improved in Windows 11.

This feature allows you to create multiple virtual desktops within your computer. It should be noted that this feature should not be confused with virtual machines where it would be your entire Operating System that is virtualised.

Multiple desktops has been around for a while, but it always felt like it just wasn’t quite there yet. However, with the latest release in Windows 11, it now feels a lot slicker and less of a bolted on extra.

Help to focus

Many of us will have various functions within our work or personal life requiring different software programmes, or even different projects on the go. Separating these functions out into different desktops within the same operating system can help you focus on what you’re working on at the time – you then don’t have a plethora of tabs open for everything that you’re working on.

Everyone will be different, but a few of the most helpful desktop focuses are:

– Communication: Email, Teams, Slack, WhatsApp Web et cetera

 – Research: Browser with tabs open on certain subject, a note application like OneNote

 – Personal/break: Browser with sports, social Media

 – Social Media: Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn

– Purchasing: Supplier websites, purchasing software

The above is obviously not an exhaustive list, it’s more of a guide as to what other people are using Muliple desktops for. You can choose which software and browser tabs go together, it’s all about personal preference.

Save time and stress

Using this feature can save time and stress. Have you ever been working on one thing and a call comes in about something else? If you have a separate desktop for both, you can quickly switch and have all the information in one place instead of clicking through multiple tabs to get to the ones you need.


– You can drag windows between desktops if needed

– One of the newer options is that you can have different backgrounds on each desktop to keep you oranised.

– You can name the individual desktops, another thing you weren’t able to do previously without a third part add on.

– If there is an important window that you need on all desktops, there is the ability to ‘Show on all desktops’

– Shortcut keys can also be used

Watch our video on multiple desktops:

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