How to have a successful Disaster Recovery plan for your business

A Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity plan is to ensure that business functions can continue in the event of an outage.

Floods, hurricanes, power outages, hacking, sabotage… if you’re lucky, you might be able to recover data by yourself should misfortune strike. But if your IT infrastructure is severely affected, you may need to seek professional help.

No matter what the cause, force majeure or man-made, businesses need to have a contingency policy in place.

A Disaster Recovery (DR) and Business Continuity plan is the process of planning for and reacting to the unexpected. It’s to ensure that business functions can continue in the event of an outage.

Recover quickly

Both short-term and long-term solutions make for a good DR plan. The short term might include things like setting up a temporary office or hiring temporary staff in the immediate aftermath of the disaster.

The long term requires a rebuilding plan for your IT infrastructure, this might include measures such as rebuilding your servers, for example.

In any case, the bottom line is that Disaster Recovery planning is essential for all businesses. It’s important to include every aspect of your organisation in your DR plan so that you’ll be able to recover quickly in the event of the unforeseen.

Focus on what’s pertinent

Here are some tips on how to create a successful Disaster Recovery plan for your business:

– Establish priorities. When creating your plan, it’s important to determine what is most important to your business and then focus on those areas. This will help determine what needs to be done in the event of a disaster.

– Create a team. A successful Disaster Recovery plan requires input from all staff members. This will ensure that everyone is aware of the plan and knows what their role is.

– Create individual responsibilities. Duties should be defined clearly in plain English so that there’s no confusion about what is expected of each staff member and what resources they’ll be using to accomplish the task.

– Do not include unnecessary information. Avoid confusion and include only the essential information in your plan. This will also decrease the time it takes to create your plan and will mean a focus on what’s pertinent.

– Try to group related documents together to help keep the information organised and easy to access when it’s needed the most. For example, group related diagrams together to show the hierarchy of your company.

– Limit cross-reference information. It’s possible to include too much information in your plan, so just stick to the information that enables staff to act quickly on a given day. To keep things simple, limit the information you include in your plan to the most important groups and categories.

Resume operational capability

Itek’s Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery plans are comprehensive, step-by-step processes covering items such as contact with your local authorities and insurance carriers, re-establishing phone service, sourcing equipment, restoring data and all of the essentials needed to resume operational capability.

For Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity help and advice, contact Itek to discuss your needs.

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