Do small businesses need cyber security?

Cyber security is always important, no matter the size of your business.

Starting an independent business can be overwhelming, the number of things to sort out often feels endless.

One thing you shouldn’t let slip through the cracks is cyber security.

39% of businesses reported a cyber breach or attack in the last 12 months.

That percentage shoots up to 65% for medium and larger businesses.

The impacts of a security breach can be devastating, it can mean:

  • Revenue loss
  • Negative reputation
  • Staffing issues

and so much more.

Would you want to work with a company who doesn’t take your data protection seriously?

Not taking cyber security into account can cause many unnecessary issues for you, but it can also be off-putting for your customers.

Gaining trust and a positive reputation with possible clientele can take a lot of hard work.

If they don’t feel that their data is safe with you, that work becomes indefinitely harder.

Looking out for yourself, staff and clients is essential.

Luckily, taking precautions to protect your data doesn’t have to be complicated or costly.

Finding out what’s best for you and your business can be simple with some help.

To find out more, contact Itek to discuss all your cyber security  needs.


Read our guide on how to easily protect your business from cyber attacks.

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