Category: Uncategorized

Our Favourite Browser Extensions

Itek's Favourites 1. uBlock Origin While you surf the world wide web, there are certain things that track your information and compile it into a database. These “things” are better...
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5 ways to stay secure online

Tips for staying secure 1. Hook up to a network that you know Free Wi-Fi is tempting, but be sure that you consider who is providing the connection. Public connections...
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What is Cloud Technology?

Our guide to Cloud Technology 1. What is the Cloud? The cloud is virtual and therefore does not require any hardware of your own to deliver a service. Cloud technology...
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What is the cost of IT downtime?

How downtime can drastically affect your business IT downtime can drastically impact a business. Whether applications are unexpectedly crashing or your network infrastructure goes down, this will cost...
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Browse The Web Like a Pro

Shortcut keys to speed up your internet browsing When working on clients machines they often ask how I did something so quickly or they are unsure of what I actually...
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Ways to prevent Cyber Attacks

Download our free ebook for more tips Today’s managed IT services landscape is changing, and a wave of new challenges are preventing even the most successful businesses from staying immune...
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